Link to WordNet is a web-based tool, supporting the search of lexical information from the electronic lexical database WordNet. Link to WordNet can be used either as a stand-alone program or in cooperation with the concept mapping learning environment COMPASS while working on an activity or/and during the map analysis.
In particular, Link to WordNet:
- Offers the user, the capability to choose:
- The word he/she is searching lexical information for.
- The searching knowledge domain.
- The language the word belongs to. The program supports the following languages: English, Greek, Bulgarian, Serbian, Romanian.
- The 3rd language to translate the meaning of the word that was found. In this field, the user can choose among Bulgarian, Serbian and Romanian. The word is also being translated in Egnlish and Greek by default.
- Searching for lexical information about the rest meanings of the word.
- Allows the user the searching of lexical information about the specific sense of the word that belongs to the chosen searching knowledge domain. In case that no sense of the word is found belonging to the searching domain, the program presents lexical information about the most frequently used sense of the word.
- Supports the user the capability to receive information about the rest meanings of the word, except from the information about the meaning that is found according to the searching domain or according to the usage frequency.