
The VERBTAGGR application performs morphosyntactic recognition of the one-word Modern Greek verb forms. The linguistic data it uses originate in P.Lembessi's PhD dissertation entitled "Systeme de Conjugaison, Reconnaissance Morphosyntaxique et Lemmatisation Automatique de la Classe Verbale du Grec Moderne Standard" (Conjugation System, Statistical Morphosyntactic Recognition and Automatic Lemmatization of the Modern Greek Standard Verb Class) (Marc Bloch University, Strasbourg, 2006).

It is a pilot application, containing presently data relevant to verb forms ending in unaccentuated '-A' and '-N'. Consequently, recognition is provided only for the relevant forms. Lemmatization of inflected verb forms as well as development of a complete version recognizing all one-word Modern Greek verb forms have also been scheduled as a completion stage.

Recognition of verb forms is based on word-final grapheme sequences, that is on sets of characters in which the forms end, which are longer than the traditional ambiguous inflectional affixes. The information that the application provides about a verb form concerns its morphosyntactic content, the conjugation model to which the form belongs, the number of forms ending in the recognition grapheme sequence as well as the "mother" word-final grapheme sequence to which the recognition grapheme sequence functions as an exception.